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Motor Protection Circuit Breakers

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Overload & short circuit protection, loads disconnection, loads manual switching
Breaking capacity Icu = Ics 50kA & 100kA
Common add-on accessories
Common accessories-front/side auxiliary contact block, alarm switch, shunt release, under voltage release
Available adapter kit, busbar, extended handle

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Air Circuit Brakers, Air Circuit Breakers, Anmol Motor Starter, Busbar Chambers, By Pass Switches, Capacitor Duty Contactors, Capacitor Panels, Cast Resin Low Voltage, Compact Air Insulated Bustrunking System, Contactors, Control Panels, Counter Electronic, D. G Sets With Ashok Leyland Engine, D. G Sets With Perkins Engine, Digital Counter, Digital Counters, Digital Timers, Directional Relays, Domestic And Retail, Earth Leakage Relays, Electrical Control Panels, Electronic Contactors, Electronic Relays, Electronic Terminals Blocks, Exceed Contactors, Fuse Gear, Fuse Holders, Fuse Units, H. R. C Fuse Links And Fuse Bases, Hrc Fuses, Indoor Ring Main Unit, Industrial Motor Starters, Ir Control Panel, Isolated Phase Busduct, L. E. D Retrofit Tubelights, L. E. D Street Lights, Lighting Trunking System, Magnetic Relays, Main Switches, Mini Contactor, Mobile D. G, Mobile Lighting Tower, Motor Protection Circuit Breakers, Moulded Case Circuit Breakers, Non Segregated Phase Busducts, Off Load Changeover Switch, Outdoor Ring Main Unit, Power Protection Relays, Power Relays, Products, Programmable Timers, Relays, Robusta Contactors, Robusta Contactors And Overload Relays, Safety Switches, Sandwich Bustrunking System, Segregated Phase Busducts, Switch Disconnector Fuse, Switch Disconnectors, Switch Fuse Unit Rewirable, Switchboards, Switchgear For Lighting Fittings, Temp. Controllers, Temperature Controller, Temperature Controllers, Temperature Scanner, Terminals Blocks, Terminals Blocks For Electronics, Timers